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Featured Speakers at the OGE National Government Ethics Summit: Ambassador Norman Eisen and Professor Richard Painter

September 18, 2014

On September 19th, Norman L. Eisen and Richard W. Painter will discuss whether the ethics laws and regulations go too far or not far enough to protect the public trust. Both Ambassador Eisen and Professor Painter have had extensive experience with the ethics laws and regulations. OGE's General Counsel, David Apol, will moderate the discussion.

OGE invites you to watch this session at 1:15 pm on September 19th. Watch Now

Norman L. Eisen was the U.S. Ambassador to the Czech Republic from January 2011 to August 2014. Ambassador Eisen reinvigorated strategic and defense ties between the two countries; boosted bilateral trade and investment; and promoted our shared values, including working against corruption and for civil rights. From January 2009 to January 2011, Ambassador Eisen served in the White House as Special Assistant to the President and Special Counsel to the President, where he was dubbed by the press as the "Ethics Czar" and "Mr. No." His portfolio also included open government, whistleblower protection, lobbying regulation, campaign finance, and other political law issues

Professor Painter was Associate Counsel to the President in the White House Counsel's office from February 2005 to July 2007, serving as the chief ethics lawyer for the President, White House employees, and senior nominees to Senate-confirmed positions in the executive branch. Professor Painter has written op-eds on government ethics for various publications and has been interviewed several times on government ethics and corporate ethics by national news organizations. In 2011, he testified before the U.S. House Government Oversight Committee on partisan political activity by government officials and reform of the Hatch Act. Professor Painter has also been active in law reform efforts aimed at improving ethics of corporate managers and lawyers.